Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Trying is the Key to Unlocking a Dream

                A few days ago, I was talking to one of my friends; playing catch up since we haven’t seen each other in a long time.  During our conversation, besides talking about the latest anime in addition to the current new movies playing. At one point in our conversation we asked each other if anything exciting has happened in our lives recently. Of course, I told him I finished “Ace of Blades” and told him I’m in route to publishing.
                When I asked him what was going on, on his end; he told me that he had stopped working on his career, reason being he had no money. While on the subject matter he did make a few valid points supporting his reason for quitting, but the one thing that got me was, “No one wants to work for free.”
Who can blame them?
However… Just hear me out on this…
                Many ideas started out for free. Take Walt Disney for example, he drew up Mickey Mouse and didn’t make money right away. J.K. Rowling was broke as a joke at one point in her life when she was writing Harry Potter and just as she tried to make a breakthrough, she was turned down multiple times by publishers, and look at her now, a well-known millionaire and she’s still writing till this very day. Dr. Maya Angelou grew up during the Civil Rights years; a double minority; yet and still she became a well-known poet with many famous pieces of work and she started out with nothing. Even Tyler Perry started his career with nothing and was living in his car at one point, and now he has his own studio named after him in the state of Georgia.

And what did they do?

       Even though they had little or no money at all, they still fought and kept their dream alive. They 
worked on it every day as hard as it were; knowing in the back of their minds they worried constantly about how they were going to survive each day. How were they going to provide for their family? Either way they still kept moving forward for their dream to come true.
I know in this day and age the motto is “Money talks…and bullshit walks…”
Don’t believe the hype!

Money can talk all it wants, but can it give you a peace of mind?
Yes, and no….

It can grant you stability and all. But it can also cause your demise.
Money is a drug in itself and sadly it is the worst drug trafficked around the world; worse than cocaine and weed combined.
                A lot of people have given up on their dreams or put have placed them on hold because of lack of funds. I’ve noticed people are settling for minimum wage jobs, working one or two at a time just barely making enough to provide for their family and not enough to save to the side to help enhance their living. Intelligent students, put their education on hold because they cannot afford it. Many great minds go to waste when their opportunities are blocked because of a financial burden.
         It saddens me when I hear people working two jobs saying, they want to do this, that and the third, but they have no money to back it up to make it happen. It tears me to pieces to know the world has gotten to the point where money must be there up front before a dream can be set in motion. A lot of people don’t take risks anymore because of the financial burden lingering over their heads and this is seriously tearing down many people’s ambition to succeed and to surpass; narrowing their options. Instead of working on a dream, many are now looking to work. They’re settling.

           You have to look at it this way. You cannot let money rule you. You must not allow it to dictate your lifestyle and your dream.  You can be miserable with money or without money. You can have a job working at some big company and put in your 25 years, receive a pension and your retirement package. But I have a question for you. Are you happy doing it? Do you love doing it? If yes, then this blog is not for you. But if you are not. This is the blog for you.  If you’re not happy with what you’re doing…Maybe you need to get up and make a change. And that means you’re going to have to TRY and make a difference.

            Before I embarked on my writing career, I thought about creating a comic book company with a group of friends. In my head I thought about it constantly, how it would make lots of money not only for me but for my friends also. And so I tried. I met up with some friends when work allowed me free time and we put our heads together and came up with numerous ideas. But we never came up with one concrete concept how it was going to come into fruition. Then the issue of funds came up. And some were willing to put money up and some were not because they either didn’t want to or they just didn’t have the funds. Long story short, the idea flopped and we all went our separate ways….
I understand no one wants to work for free. But, who gets paid for doing nothing and with no product produced?

I don’t hear or see too many people working together on a project unless they are getting a form of compensation. Sometimes it’s not always going to work like that. Sometimes you have to just Try going cold turkey and work on it and see if it can allot you money. A lot of people have gotten selfish out here and that has caused numerous downfalls of certain businesses. It’s a real shame. But anyway, my comic book business is still my number one priority. I will get there even If it takes me a little longer than I expected. But I will get there because I am going to still TRY and do it even though it might not start out initially as I had dreamed up.


I know what you’re thinking…

What if it doesn’t work out?

Stop thinking like that… Start thinking like this.

What if it does?

Failure’s biggest enemy is TRY. You have to try and see if the idea is a flop or a success. If you don’t try you’ll never know and the thought will always linger in your head still wondering if it was a good or bad idea.

As the Dalai Lama said, “No matter what sort of difficulties, how painful experience is, if we lose our hope, that’s our real disaster…”

           I understand the struggles of life can be hard on an individual because we all want stability. But sometimes sitting down and settling is not going to always work and give you the stability you are looking for. And that’s why we all need a glimmer of hope to keep us going. Once we lose our dream, our motivation is destroyed and then that’s when depression and the thought of maybe I should have done that or maybe I should have done this… sets in. It’s never too late. All you have to do is TRY…

Try is the Key to unlocking that treasure chest full of dreams. You have to keep trying until you reach your goal.

      My friend broke my heart when he told me he stopped pursuing and Rad has many ideas and he is very intelligent. I am happy to say he is working on something else and I am helping him with it. He  has decided to write a book too. I’m reading it also right now while still working on getting “Ace of Blades” together. I hope that one day he will come back and say “hey remember the first idea I wanted to do…Well I’m going to try again and work on it.”

Listen, if one idea doesn’t work, try looking for another idea and keep trying to work on the idea until you find the right formula. It’s as simple as a math problem. Think about it.
2+2=4, 2*2=4.

Think outside the box. TRY SOMETHING NEW.
And so, with that said, I want to encourage you to please keep moving forward despite the circumstances. Keep trying to work on that acting career, writing career, doctor, nurse, radio DJ, director, producer, singer, or even becoming a Pokémon master. YES I WENT THERE…
But don’t give up on it. If one solution doesn’t work. FIND ANOTHER WAY, and everything will come into motion and in place. But you have to keep TRYING.
Stop carrying about your burdens and your woes…Keep Trying

Whatever it is to be,
in order for it to be,
it has to start with me

That’s a motto my grandfather used to tell me when I was a little girl and it was his way of encouraging me to do better and I am going to pass it along to you and the universe.
But please do better than you did yesterday and keep moving forward.

M. Yori ^_^

Hope you dig the tune I selected for this blog. Also I have the lyrics for her song down here. Check it out. It’s really good and deep.

Also,I found this on google and thought this would fit. LISTEN TO NATSU

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