Hi everybody I am going to post this time on this blog because this does not belong on Ace of Blades even though it does have something to do in relation to Ace of Blades. So I intended to post this on my Ace of Blades Blog...However... this is something negative....And Here goes....
My beloved laptop wanted to surprise me with the infamous " Blue Screen of Death"...WHAAAAAT!...... I don't think so... I've been working really hard trying to edit my work and keep to my own made timeline of when I want " Ace Of Blades" to be finished but it feels some negativity force has been scheming against me. Scheme all you want...I'm finishing my book and getting it finished whether you like it or not. So for the past hour I've been backing up everything so I do not lose anything not even a word of my progress. I am not going to panic and throw my laptop against the wall which I have been tempted but no..I will keep calm and move forward. And with that said. Here is an update where I am at. Professor Eno the wonderful and cool Editor has in their possession the 1st three chapters and when I am finished here I am sending another chapter over to her. Yes I am moving quite fast I must say. I still have alot more things to do like the marketing and cover design and other tedious things. But I shall finish in time. But I just wanted to let you all know The editing process in the works and we're moving right along. OH Thanksgiving is next week for all of you.... I will not be posting anything However I will leave something here for you for those of you wanting something posted here. And with that said. I am off...Apparently I am also working on another project with another writer. I cannot give too much detail but it is really awesome. Later one with the project leader's blessing if he allows me to I will post something about it later in time.
Operation Saint's and Sinners:
So I've been brainstorming on this project in between editing, working and sleeping and this song I stumpled across which I cannot get enough of is definitely going onto the playlist for Saints and Sinners. Ace of Blades I am still coming up with the playlist for this one....Tough really it is but I'll find some music for but. But this song I am really enjoying and listening to it over and over again I can see my story unwinding...Hope you enjoy the selection. Take care all See you all in two weeks.
M. Yori....
" I should stay composed and run to the finish line"- Asafa Powell