Hi everybody I am going to post this time on this blog because this does not belong on Ace of Blades even though it does have something to do in relation to Ace of Blades. So I intended to post this on my Ace of Blades Blog...However... this is something negative....And Here goes....
My beloved laptop wanted to surprise me with the infamous " Blue Screen of Death"...WHAAAAAT!...... I don't think so... I've been working really hard trying to edit my work and keep to my own made timeline of when I want " Ace Of Blades" to be finished but it feels some negativity force has been scheming against me. Scheme all you want...I'm finishing my book and getting it finished whether you like it or not. So for the past hour I've been backing up everything so I do not lose anything not even a word of my progress. I am not going to panic and throw my laptop against the wall which I have been tempted but no..I will keep calm and move forward. And with that said. Here is an update where I am at. Professor Eno the wonderful and cool Editor has in their possession the 1st three chapters and when I am finished here I am sending another chapter over to her. Yes I am moving quite fast I must say. I still have alot more things to do like the marketing and cover design and other tedious things. But I shall finish in time. But I just wanted to let you all know The editing process in the works and we're moving right along. OH Thanksgiving is next week for all of you.... I will not be posting anything However I will leave something here for you for those of you wanting something posted here. And with that said. I am off...Apparently I am also working on another project with another writer. I cannot give too much detail but it is really awesome. Later one with the project leader's blessing if he allows me to I will post something about it later in time.
Operation Saint's and Sinners:
So I've been brainstorming on this project in between editing, working and sleeping and this song I stumpled across which I cannot get enough of is definitely going onto the playlist for Saints and Sinners. Ace of Blades I am still coming up with the playlist for this one....Tough really it is but I'll find some music for but. But this song I am really enjoying and listening to it over and over again I can see my story unwinding...Hope you enjoy the selection. Take care all See you all in two weeks.
M. Yori....
" I should stay composed and run to the finish line"- Asafa Powell
Well.... Looks like I have been under the rock for almost the entire year. Looks like a lot has went by since I last chatted with you all...Well...Don't I have a tone of work to do and some more things to do. Well lets start off with this. I have an announcement to make about my project Ace of Blades. And I have some bad news. Well first thing starting off with the good news. I finished Project Ace of Blades and I will fill you in with the details and also the bad news which is accompanying it. Also I see it is now fall and I realize I have been gone for a season and a half. Ok let's round it off to 2 seasons. Anyway alot of things happened during my long absence. Sadness, happiness, and alot of life changes. But I am still here I am still alive and looking to the stars for guidance, I'm still moving on and that is all that matters. So Since Halloween is approaching and the infamous NANOWRIMO ( GOOD LUCK TO ALL PARTICIPANTS WRITE HARD AND ROCK ON).... which I will not be participating in this one due to the fact I have more obligations I must meet and that is all folks. But it is great to be back and stay tuned because I have more ideas and stories coming to your way which I am going to try and post some little snipits of stories I have written in my absence. I will give you a hint the next project I am working on is what I like to call " Operation: Saints and Sinners,,, But will fill you in later until then. Keep your eyes on the starry eyed sky. Later star gazers. My time to fly. until next time.
So this week while working and trying to finish Ace of Blades. Writer's Block just came and sucker punched me when I least expected. But I recovered quicker than I anticipated. So while trying to gather my thoughts and all that jazz. I was bored and watched Soul Eater. And Kiddo here gave me something to blog about symmetry. I know weird. I figured Kid and I had something in common which is OCD. His is symmetry everything has to be symmetrical. And me well since I've been writing this book which I should have been finished by now but the thing about it is because I have OCD and when somehing isnt written like it is supposed to be I will erase the entire section and re do it from formatting to right where I left off. I was writing and then my brain got flustered with a bunch of junk until my brain just said F it you're going to spazz out which I did and had to re edit and proofread when my book isn't even finished I'm like 15% to completed and this Happens....SHEESH....talk about a Death the Kid melt down. I know when I start a new chapter I have to have the font and page settings correct before starting and I have to have everything set up a certain way or I feel nothing is accomplished and the whole entire material looks off. And when this happens I get writer's block and my mind then later burns me out and I end up looking like from cool and calm Kiddo up top to like this:
I hate to admit I have a serious problem. But it's something I cant control my writing is my own master piece it must be perfect. PERFECTLY SYMMETRICAL...T_T sadly this is why I am not finished I'm doing everything at once...Sheesh but I am determined to finish this book by the date I have set Which I shall post soon. Very very very soon....Scared to Say it though.....So much to do and so little time...Sheesh I still have the book cover I have to work on...Since Elizabeth Hunter made a very very valid point. "Book covers sells books " - Elizabeth Hunter.
Well back to the drawing board.
* Runs after asymmetrical being with a mallet* Psychedelic SoulJam by Soul Eater on Grooveshark
Good Morning my loves....I had to blog about this because this week has been extremely challenging and yet rewarding. So I managed to tackle the tough and crazy chapter 16 of Ace of Blades trust me it was fricken tough. But I did get through it and I am working on Chapter 17 which I hope will be less painful. And Chapter 18 is going to be a breeze because I wrote it a few months prior My character Chiyei was pestering me to write about her so I had to. But anyway...So I am nearing the finish line very very soon. And so I wanted to blog about this because like I said this week has been really challenging and tapping on my nerves to the fullest. From my faithless family not believing in me to many finanacial decisions I have to make and put into play by the end of this month. It is okay...God is good and He will see me through it. ALL... ( PLEASE UNDERSTAND I AM NOT TRYING TO IMPOSE MY BELIEFS ON ANYONE...SO PLEASE DO NOT GET OFFENDED. I ACCEPT EVERYONE.)
So from my family tapping on my nerves to getting written up at work for being late, showing up to work for work 3 times in a row ( Lack of sleep does it to you when you work 16hr shifts.) to finally my phone freezing on me and my touch screen is messed up which prohibits me from making phone calls, receiving calls, and writing in my notebook app. ( And mind you all of my ideas are trapped in my phone.) Life I tell you can be such a pinch. But its all good.
SAnd then worst of it all All my ideas that I have saved to my cell phone I risk of losing them if the phone company cannot fix my droid..Stupid me being cheap didn't want to buy a SD card at first but that is all going to change when I get the chance to put one in there. Then going to 3 reps from the wireless company they're all trying to get me into a new phone....I DONT THINK SO....unless you can extract my notes and all my ideas from my notebook app....Okay other than that...HECK NOW. I do admit it is my fault that I didn't back anything up but yet and still my phone I do have faith in it still. even though it is a droid 4 ( yeah yeah yeah hush ....to each their own.) It became my best friend and I refuse to relinquish my phone because that was my go to notebook when I got smacked into the head with a new idea. Writers like me understand.
Okay but the point I am getting at is this...As you near closer to the goal. The road tends to be more treacherous than it was when you began. I am not going to lie...I did feel discouraged because I could not work. Since my cell is my job phone and my notebook at hand when I cannot reach my laptop or a piece of paper. But being discouraged and angry isn't going to get the problem solved or fixed. You have to remain calm, positive and keep it moving. and Keep looking forward to the end. No matter what you're going through stay positive and keep a level head and accept the challenges and obstacles that are awaiting you... Because once you reach the finish line you'll look back and say..." Ha! I made it."
So my spirit was rocked heavily by a family member and I feel this is something that's laying on my heart to say so just bear with me. A family member has been trying to dampen my spirits for the longest and I just refuse to give into it. I've noticed people tend to get very ignorant and I don't want to say vindictive but cross when they have no clue what you are doing...I don't understand why people want to get up into your business in the first place But think its okay to get into your own..Here take your own advice and MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS and GET SOME BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN...I had some family members kind of throwing darts at me for the longest asking me the most repetitive questions ever; Miki what are you doing with your life? What are doing period? What are you writing? Are you making any money writing? Are you finished writing your book? When are you going back to school? When does school come back into the factor? I think you need to look into the fraudulent detective job...I think you will like that.... I'm telling you...That's the new jobs surfacing... You are a about to be 30 what have you done so great with your life?... You are a bum you are a college bum. You have a good education and you've wasted it on doing this???? I can go on forever.
And the sad part is its coming from my family who have lost faith in me. I will say one thing... Instead of you faithless people out there throwing darts and saying what you want to say and label without even knowing what the heck is going on. Why don't you sit back and be quiet and mind your freakin' business and find out what's really going on before posting judgement. People are so quick to post a judgement before finding out what the real deal is going on instead of waiting and finding out and sadly society has adapted to it as a norm. It's hard out here enough for the next generation to come up and find jobs...so why make it harder on us???? Instead why don't you try being encouraging and try to be apart of what is going on. Not against it. Put away the judgemental darts and strip away the faithless and start having faith in people. How would you like it feel if someone cast your ideas down??? I've been there and it hurt. So if you don't want it being done to you...Don't do it either. Practice what you preach and to the person that said to me earlier " We must be kind to one another." You're as much of a sinner as I am...So my advice to you is judge yourself before you past judgement on me. Because it may look like misery to you.. But deep down to me I am content and joyous with myself in what I do and thank you.
I was given a vision for a certain career path and my career was given to me and engraved in my heart and cast in stone and I plan to fulfill it as long as I shall live. And I will be darned if I let some hypocritival, narrow-minded, ignorant, bonehead deter me from my dream. Everyday I am achieving my dream and I will not stop. For those of you that have faithless among you. Look them dead in the eye and tell them " Keep Calm and Have Faith" and just be quiet and watch. Because you are destined for greatness.
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
Hi everybody sorry for the late blog. Been busy with making an advertisement for the novel which I am going to launch very very soon. If you have not seen my latest blog or creation Check it out at: http://aceofblades2014.blogspot.com/
That is where you can see my advertisement for my upcoming new novel " ACE OF BLADES" I know I have not posted lot about it. It's because I am busy working on it and editing which has been consuming me among other things. But I am moving along. 15 chapters right now as we speak. that is 75% in my head complete. We are nearing the finish line people. ^_^
Okay so working on the advertisement I was little frustrated if you could't tell by some of the posts I left last week on FB. But I still accomplished what I needed to accomplish. And working on this ad for my book it made me reflect on my college days when I didn't know my head from the hole in the ground. Comp graph design. Back then when I took those classes my mind was out of control and I didn't have an idea at all what I wanted to study for a life career. But the main reason behind that I was going through massive life changes. ( Don't we all love change? *cough* nope *cough*)
But when I took the classes I knew from the jump it had nothing do to with my life career. However I always wanted to educate myself in the computer tech field somehow someway that way I would have some knowledge. I thought maybe it would give me some light in where I needed to focus on. Sadly I felt like I wasted my time there and lost a semester of my college career. But now I do not regret it. If it wasn't for that class I would have not known how to make an ad using programs such as Pixlr or Gimp. So I am very humble and content that I took the time to educate myself in that class. and I was glad it came in handy. So my message for you today is " EVERYTHING DOES HAPPEN FOR A REASON". For those of you that thought what ever you did was a waste of time now. Reconsider the thought. Because you never know the skills you learned today, yesterday, or previous years could be a component or a stepping stone to your success. So count your talents and blessings and be grateful for what you know...And if you don't know about something...Educate yourself because a wise person never stops learning.
Hey Everybody how's everybody doing? I've been busy...busy busy busy.If its not my job keeping me busy. My novel is kicking me in the butt. But mainly my job. So I'm seeing on the calendar Valentines day is 3 days away....I can't believe we're in February...SHEESH...I missed Chinese New Year due to work. Happy New Year of the Horse...Yahoo!!!! And I shall be missing Valentines Day....Yeah.. :/ Valentines Day I despise it with a passion. Me and my friends were having a conversation about this and here I thought I was the only one but it seems there are others that feel the same about me. One of my best friend she glorifies it and I mean her and her fiance they go out the way to celebrate it. More power to them. I can't. Here is my thing. Why in the world should I have to wait for the significant other to show how much they appreciate me and our relationship? If I'm in a relationship with someone everyday should be Valentines day in my books. I think Valentines Day is too commercialized and too artificial. Those commercials on tv with " Buy this ring to say you truly love her this V Day.... Every Kiss my @$$ with K.... Get Real. Unless proposing marriage; I don't think so. And some people and you know who you are use Valentines Day as a day to apologize for being a douche. Are you serious? Come on. And then I've had some people tell me the only reason why I feel that way is because I'm not in a relationship. In my last two relationships I felt the same way and told the male counterparts don't get me anything for Valentines Day you're wasting your time and money. I don't mean to be a scrooge but I'm not into artificial love. I'm into the real love the kind that has no boundaries. Does not set it to one day out of the year to show and express how the other feels. No... every day in your relationship should be Valentines Day. Both should be doing the equal work to make it feel like Valentines Day. And that is where I stand... Until next post...And free time I have to check my mail and junk.... Hang Lose and Happy V day for those that do celebrate it and for those like me that dont....Have a Awesome Friday. Keep Dreaming and Keep pushing hard to make your dream come alive. Do something Awesome this year. M. Yori
I remember one of my guy friends had this pick on his laptop and I died every time looking at it. It explains exactly how I feel for Valentines Day. Herzeleid by Rammstein on Grooveshark
This morning I woke up early and saw SAO for the very first time...I am impressed I want to watch more...But any who watching SAO made me think about the first time I had saw my very first anime...So I had to blog about this. So when I was younger I fell in love with anime at I would say at the age of 7ish....watching my first anime which surprisingly was not Sailor Moon. It was actually Vampire Hunter D. I remember pressing the channel changer ( it was before the cable box and remote control came into play.) Pressing down each button and then I cam across Vampire Hunter which I think was on the Sci-fi channel at the time...I don't know can't remember but crazy right?...Any who andI was watching the movie where D had saved some girl and she had offered herself to him and I saw D with his fangs hanging and all but yet he was conflicting with his conscience. I thought that was really really cool and among other things it was something different from the traditional cartoons I watched. After that I was like WOW....I want to watch more of this. After that I got hooked onto anime like it was a fricken drug...After that I had to get my fix watching Speed Racer (old school) , Ronin Warriors, Voltron ( old school), all those Amazing shoes. And as I got older and all I thought to myself wondering if I'll ever be like them some day...(It's going to happen one of these days....I know it.) And then when middle school moving into high school and Toonami launched...( ya'll knew what time it was 4pm to 6 C'mon( its shut up I'm watching Sailor Moon, Inuyasha, Card Captors, Pokemon ( Original) Yu-gi-oh ( Original), Tenchi Muyo, Cowboy Bebop, Yu Yu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin, Reboot, Gundam Wing and best of all DBZ time. I!! But anyway I fall in love with anime all over again every time I watch a new anime that aired. But in high school seeing all of it...I jumped on the Otaku train and said " I want to make manga and live in the anime world...." I haven't made any progress yet but I am a writer so hey better something than nothing I am heading somewhat into that direction. But I still will push forward for that dream to come alive...Because that is where my heart feels and knows where I belong and feel the most comfortable and my passion and inspiration to write. What was your gateway anime?
Inuyasha - 3rd Opening Theme - Owari Nai Yume by Inu Yasha on Grooveshark
Hi everybody how's everybody doing. So in relation to Monday's post and Dr. King. I wanted to say that it takes one person to make a difference and do something no one has ever thought about doing. The goal I am trying to achieve in my blogs is to give everyone a boost in their self esteem and to give them the confidence to come out of their shell and do something they have never have. I have seen alot of people with alot of hopes and dreams during college and when they tried to set things in motion. Life, peer pressure, criticism, and financial woes stood in their way from pursuing their dream. Listen if you have something in your heart set on doing. Do it. It is in your heart for a reason. Do not let the criticism of others slow you down. Allow it to be the fuel for you to carry on and keep it moving until you achieve it. I feel so hart broken when peers my age gave up on a dream. Brillant gifted people their dreams crushed by someone's harsh and hurtful criticism. My fellow dream chaser you are better than that. Whatever you are going through and what struggles. Keep your head up keep it moving. Ask the stars to guide you. They will guide you. I'll put myself out there. I once almost gave up on my career a few years back when I lost a family member that I was really close to and one of my family members when I told them what I wanted to do. They simply shot my dream down saying...That career is not promising. And I fell prey to those words and doubted myself for the longest. But now...I'm back in the ring ready to go and I am not looking back I am moving forward. I am going to prove those haters what I am capable of and I'm going to dedicate my success to my loved one I lost and funny thing is he was the only that gave me courage to. He was harsh but was very supporting. It is okay to go against the tide guys. Step out of your comfort zone. becauase if you did follow the tide; you're going to end up on the beach every single time.
Until we meet again dudes. Jaa mata!!!!
When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hang on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Happy Birthday by Stevie Wonder on Grooveshark
Hello everybody hope everyone is enjoying today as much as I am. Oh and Happy Martin Luther King Day. I do not have anything to post today but since it is Martin Luther King's Day. Let's take a moment and reflect on your self, life, and the world. My next blog I will explain why I ask of this. Because it all has something to do with inspirtation pursuing a dream. But For someone that did so much for a cause and stood up for what he believed in. Dr. King was a star of his own. Many followed him and his dream came alive and still he has many followers still fighting for what he stood for... Dr. King thanks you followed your own star and then became a shining star yourself. Thank You for clearing the path for others. Have a nice day everybody.
God Put a Smile Upon Your Face (feat. The Daptone Horns) by Mark Ronson on Grooveshark
Hey there dream chasers; Sorry for not blogging anything since the first post of my blog. My brain went on a hiatus. I had a bunch of ideas to blog about and then my brain decided to say “ NOPE” instead. And wiped itself clear of all the topics I wanted to talk about…. :( Has that ever happened to anyone? Any who…. I hope everyone enjoys their weekend. Enjoy the sun and do something out of the ordinary. I will be working trying to come up with some ideas for next week to blog about. There are a few things. Well there is the novel “ Ace of Blades” I have a couple of other projects I have to work on. I did try to write a little yesterday and I was trying to work on a blog for you guys but….I couldn't come up with anything at all…. Next week we will try again and I promise to have something for you all. I still have to get this site fixed and connected I feel I am missing something on my page but I can’t seem to think what is it exactly that I am missing….Any suggestions anyone??? Well anyway have a good weekend everyone.
Oh look what I have figured out. I have my bookshelf from Goodreads in what I've read. If you haven't read any of Elizabeth Hunter stories. You need to she is phenomenal. I've read her "Elemental Mysteries" And Ladies this is for you...Dr. V is SMOKING HOTT and so is his friend Carwyn....-_- can't decide who is the hottest. Also men Beatrice is feisty and spunky type and Tenzin is a pistol without the bullets. I enjoyed reading all of them. I am currently reading Stephen King's " On Writing" A Memoir of the Craft, Liz Schultz Secrets: Guardian Trilogy, Grace Draven Entreat ME, and Elizabeth Hunter Blood and Sand Well that is all I have for now. Enjoy your weekend and see you in the clouds dreaming up great ideas and the dream of all dreams.
Stay Kool, Stay fresh and don’t forget to rest
M. Yori
LAST DINOSAUR by the pillows on Grooveshark
Hi there my name is Mitsuki Yoruichi, M. Yori for short. I am an ambitious writer with a lot of things going on in side my brain. My brain is constantly thinking and overloading itself with lots and lots and lots of ideas and many things I want to say.( That is troublesome sometimes if you ask me. But then its cool too at the same time.) I have alot to say and rarely take the time to speak my mind. I usually keep some things to myself. As a writer I've discovered that writing down your thoughts and how you really feel is the best medicine to some solutions dealing with certain people and situations. I used to write when I was younger but never did anything with it. Never thought I would be a writer. Well as the Russians say " Better late than never." I never thought of going this route really; my head was completely somewhere different but that all changed when my friend published her first book and then turned around asked me to coauthor a story with her. I do have a manga ( Japanese graphic novel - for those not familiar with the term) But then the lovely writer's block punched me in the center of my forehead and I had to put it down.
It's okay I will return and finish that project soon or later. " Finish what you start" - Tae Kwon Do proverb Among other things I enjoy reading up on encouraging proverbs from people and different cultures. It helps inspire you as a person and as an individual to cultivate oneself into becoming something bigger and greater than before. Life is a huge adventure and a mystery at the same time. You have to take it for what it is and try to make the best of it. Don't let your life be ran by others you call the shots. After all its your story. I believe everybody has a story to tell; but they don't know how to put it in writing or how to come out and tell it. I write for a lot of reasons but mainly because it just takes your mind somewhere else out of the ordinary. I don't know if anyone feels the same as me. But I feel writing is like magic and we are the magicians with a pencil as our wand and paper as our spell charms and castors. To me writing unlocks your mind taking it into another dimension where ideas roam free and come to you like a huge tsunami.
I feel the same way about writing and listening to my favorite artists; that just takes your writing to a whole new level of creativity. But you probably already knew that. I remember I created a kick @$$ fight scene for my manga just listening to " Der Meister" by Rammstein..... Most epic fight scene if I do say so for myself. Oh and Rammstein, Yoko Kanno, Janne Da Arc, and many other artists which I can't think now are my favorite artists to listen to when writing. But my music library is eclectic. So anything goes with me.
I see I got carried away with writing my introduction.... Sorry didn't mean to it to happen. Let me finish this one off.... So this is really the most I have said about myself. I feel like when I talk about myself; I feel I'm being conceited and narcissist. -_- I really don't like talking about myself. I rather let the others define me by my personality and how I come off to them. " Don't judge a book by its cover; but by the pages and content." - I don't know who said that quote ( need to give credit to them whoever they are).
But I hope you get to know me through my blogs and by my music library which I have to find a way to post it on here someway some how...I will do it. But a big shout out to my friend Max E. Stone. Dragged me out of my comfort zone....YEAH thats right Max I'm putting you on blast here...he he he....But really thank you so much for pulling me out. It was time for a change. If it wasn't for my buddy I wouldn't have started this blog because I am too much of a hermit to do anything this bold; thought it would be a nice kick off for the new year since I am coming out with a book soon and officially a writer...Whatever that means... LOL... That's all for now dream chasers.. Take care and see you in the clouds. M. Yori
words of encouragement for today : Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new. Brian Tracy